Wednesday, November 25, 2009

highs and lows

today's highs:
1. watching Clairmond go through a kids devotional bible and tell us about almost every bible story from adam and eve to the good Samaritan.
2. watching Alex, Schnider, Walgens, and a few others, in our team's business class get excited and dreaming about beginning a business.
3. starting to work on some gardening at the guest house.
4. praying with the Child Hope staff.
5. bible study with the girls.

today's lows:
1. mosquito bites
2. not being able to fit it all in a day
3. missing walking the kids to and from school
4. missing the feeding program again
5. gathering people

it was really cool to go around and share about our highs and lows at our team meeting tonight. great idea lucas! people in our team are being profoundly touched. we love watching that!!

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