Monday, August 4, 2008

a friend of mine has been sick

susette mannasero. i met her through my husband lucas. he met her years ago and is one of the first people to talk to him about Jesus. in 2004 she and her family sold everything they had and moved to haiti to begin an orphanage. christmas eve of 2007 susette was diagnosed with cancer. hodgkin's lymphoma.'s_lymphoma
so she has been back in the states for testing and treatments. late jan she was tested and the results were cancer free!! an incredible testimony of Jesus' ability to heal still today! however, they were asvised to still go through the chemotherapy treatments. 6 months of chemo went by quite smoothy compared to many that go through this. i attribute this not only to the personal strength of this woman, but also her spiritual strenth, and the grace of God. you can read her update blog here:
on the home stretch now susette has been going through radiology treatments. unlike chemo... these are daily. 7 days straight. one day of rest. and another 7 days. after the first 7 days she was having incredible pain while trying to swallow food, and then even water. it took two hours for a piece of quich lodged in her contristed throat to make its way down her esophogus. apparently, the radiology treatments had caused great damage to her esophogus. she couldnt eat for the next 7 days, and when they attempted to put a tube down her throat, they found it was bleeding. her blog asked us to pray.

i found myself this past week having susette so deaply laid on my heart. i dont think i have ever prayed for something so urgently. (except maybe for guidence about marrying lucas). as each day passed i was praying more urgently. sunday (yesterday) was a day of decision. they would try the food tube again, if that did not work... she would have to have a PICC ( inserted until her esophogus healed enough to eat. sunday i attended my church's service on the beach. the message was on soul food. the pastor used the same theme scriputures and worship songs that have been on my heart for susette.

Matt 11:28-30
Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

John 6:35
Then Jesus declaired, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thristy.

all who are thristy
all who are weak
come to the Fountain
dip you heart in the stream of life
let the pain and the sorrow
be washed away
in the waves of His mercy
as deep cries out to deep

come Lord Jesus come
come Lord Jesus come
come Lord Jesus come
come Lord Jesus come

this somg, i believe, is from Isaiah 55. the whole chapter is really incredible. here is another song from the same portion of scripture:

im waiting here for You
listening for Your voice
speak Your Word over me
and my soul will live

great are your mercies Lord
renewed for me everyday
you faithfully pardon me
i hear You say

come to the water
come to the river
come to the well
come if youre thristy
come if your broken
come and be healed

as sure as the rain comes down
as sure as the snow alls from heaven
Your promises are fullfilled
i hear You say

come and drink from the Saviors cup
come and be cleansed by the Saviors blood

i will go out with joy
i will go out with peace
the mountains and hills sing praise
and i hear You say

so... the news is: yesterday she was able to swallow some ice cream and jello! Praise Jesus! however she was unable to drink the protien drink, ensure, and she will have the PICC until she is able to eat/drink something more nutritous.

please pray for her. she is the mother of 53.

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