Friday, August 15, 2008

weary and heavy laden

i feel this way this morning.

i have been pursuing Gods voice. i have been praying for a silence and peace of my heart so that i will be able to hear when His voice comes. i want to KNOW what He sounds like. i want the confedence that the Holy Spirit has to offer.

during prayer is such a difficult time to be still and listen and wait. especially since starting this pursuit. i began, and my heart was so burdened for susette i was praying for her and almost nothing else (other than my usual remorseful cry over my own sins). this week has been very ruff... as soon as susette was home and better. a friend was in an accident. james. but i saw Gods protection and provision for him. he walked away with just a bruise and a realization of how many people he has in his life that care for him. i was told of a grave sin of my great uncle. jack. he is in prison. my mom asked me to pray. but i think he will be just fine. he confessed his sin and now is paying the consequences. my aunt needs the prayer more. our life group wants to be a place where people can open up and be real. why dont i feel like i can do that? then my gramsie calls me. she has been diagnosed with lymphoma. my instant reaction was to encourage her with susettes success story. she asked me to send prayers her way. i said i would. she lives in australia. i hope to see her before she returns home. and lucas.

as i was praying this morning i couldnt even get to all of this because of the remorse of my own sin. an hour later i was drawn back to prayer. a scripture came to mind...

Matt 11:28-30

come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

1 comment:

Debbie B. said...

i love you friend! just wanted you to know